meet nathan...
Nathan's motto: Work hard - Play hardNathan Goering is a Senior at Humphrey Public School. This small town boy plays football and golf for the Bulldogs and is active in FFA. After graduation Nathan plans on enlisting with the Nebraska Air National Guard and attend the University of NE Lincoln to obtain a degree in Engineering. All those years of tinkering with motors, machines, and figuring how and why it runs will hopefully pay off for him.When he is ready for downtime from school and his job, he likes to take it to the river and ride his four wheeler with his friends and family. He also enjoys little camping and fire to go along with it.He's starting to participate in some competitive shooting events with his custom made gun. Finding the time for a little more practice is tough, but to compete in the competitions are fun.Nathan's new journeys will take him down new paths, but his work hard - play hard attitude will keep him grounded and take him far.